Shipping and delivery
- We provide shipping within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and internationally to: Bahrain, Kuwait, Emirates, Sultanate of Oman, Qatar.
- Delivery time:
Shipping within Saudi Arabia:
After confirming the payment method you have chosen, we will send your order and it will reach you within 3-5 working days starting from the date of confirmation of the order or transfer.
Delivery within Jeddah:
Jeddah customers, the delivery representative will contact them within 24-48 working hours to arrange delivery of the order.
Shipping to the Gulf countries and the rest of the world:
After confirming the payment method you have chosen, we will send your order and it will reach you within 5-14 working days starting from the date of order confirmation.
- Customs and taxes:
The shipping process takes place from the city of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to other parts, and in the event that customs duties are imposed on these shipments transferred to the other country, and they differ in value and amount according to the place, then the buyer is the one who bears all these taxes or fees.